Industrial building is the structure used by the industries to store goods(either raw materials or finished goods) or manufacturing purposes.

There are 4 basic components for industrial building:

  1. Floors
  2. Roof System
  3. Lighting
  4. Ventilation

Floor– Different purposes of the industrial building required different types of floors. In general, the industrial floors need to be resistant to abrasion, acid action, temperature and impact depending on the activities which will be carried out. The floor load is also one of the main concerns when choosing or designing an industrial building.

Roof System– There are various factors for the roof covering to be considered when designing a roof system. Strength, waterproofing, insulation, fire resistance, durability, maintenance cost should be taken into consider during the planning stage. Generally, sheeting such as corrugated, galvanize, cement sheet, and ductile roof covering are used.

Lighting– The intensity and uniformity are the requirements of good lighting. It is economical and wise to use natural light as daylight for satisfactory illumination in industry wherever applicable.

Ventilation– Ventilation is important in an industrial building. It can be done by natural forces or by mechanical equipment(exhaust fan and etc). It used to elimination dust, removal of heat and used air will be replaced by fresh air.

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